Monday, May 4, 2009

Remembering Martha Mason

I struggled over what to title this post on Martha Mason, a Lattimore woman I first met in person in 2003 when I was writing a story about her for The Star.
I wanted to title it "Finally free," but realized to say that would be an insult to Martha.
Martha lived for more than 60 years inside the confines of an iron lung. At one point it was believed she was the person in the US who had lived the longest in an iron lung.
But Martha wasn't trapped by the iron lung, which she was in as a result of having polio at age 11. (Her brother, Gaston, died from the virus.)
Instead, Martha never was the epitome of the express "the indomitable human spirit." Martha read the newspaper every day and sent emails to friends almost as often. She even managed to write a book while living inside the metal tube, something those of us who have no excuses can manage to do.
I remember meeting Martha and interviewing her just after her book, "Breathe," was published. I was still relatively new to journalism and was grateful to have gotten the interview. I was terrified of saying something wrong, of insulting Martha.
Five minutes or so into the interview, I became captivated by this woman - a woman whose every breath depended on the machine that enveloped her body like a tomb. She was fascinating, funny and completely unfazed by the lung.
Does that mean she never had a bad day? Probably not. But what she had that others lack is the belief that no matter what, we can rise above our circumstances and be the best we can be.
Yes, Martha is finally free. But then again, she was all along.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Really?: Touch and Brush, Boogie Wipes edition

I've decided to add a new, regular feature to my blog called "Really?" This feature will include various subtopics. Today's is dedicated to absurdly stupid products (IMO).

Walking through the grocery store yesterday I came across a product on the diaper aisle called "Boogie Wipes." Essentially they were wet wipes to wipe your child's snotty nose with. Really? Who needs this? You can use a tissue or wet wipe for the same purpose - and those can also be used for other things!

Then, watching television later in the day I saw a "Touch and Brush" toothpaste dispenser. Really? As a society, are we incapable of dispensing our own toothpaste. The product touts it delivers the perfect amount every time with little or no mess. Well, I can do that too - can I claim this service should retail for $90 (like Touch and Brush does?) Really? Really?

OK, I've got to go blow my nose now and brush my teeth - both the old-fashioned, time-proven ways!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

More than a story

How will you be spending Holy Week? Since ending one job and taking some time for myself before beginning another, I'll be spending a great deal of it cleaning, sorting, putting away and generally trying to declutter my house. I also hope to knit some since I haven't made time for it lately.
I also want to spend some time reflecting on God's goodness and the blessings in my life. Like my wonderful husband, sweet, sweet little boy, fabulous younger sister, roof over my head, job to pay the bills and live life on.... you get the picture.
May God's blessings and mercy be with you this week.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A thick layer of dust ... nine years of memories

I warned everyone at work today that if they needed me, I'd be under my desk. (I do this because in the past we have had people to fall out of their chairs into the floor.)
I'm in the process of cleaning up and out in preparation of leaving my job of almost a decade to embark on a new one. And that means cleaning out 9 years of crap I've accumulated.
Under my desk I was met by lots of dust, more than a few stray Post-It notes and paper clips and boxes of ... stuff.
I've been a features writer since I graduated from college and as such, have received lots of items for review. Some of them I have written about. Others have found a home under my desk for future use.
Here's some of what I found and quickly dispensed amongst my colleagues:
- Two cans of Campbell's Chunky soup (they were still in date, I checked!)
- A Star Trek Borg figurine from a theme park who got a new Star Trek ride several years ago.
- A wooden recipe box.
- Two "Diapees and Wipees"
- A kids in the kitchen kit with apron (those will come in handy with my son, Nathan).
There's something liberating about cleaning your desk.